Composition : diatomaceous earth - pumpkin seeds - nigella seeds - grated cocoa - thyme - garlic.
The natural dewormer, how does it work?
It is a set of natural components based on diatomaceous earth and plants.
The actions of the diatomaceous earth associated with those of the plants make it possible to treat the internal parasites of the animals. The aim of this application is to prevent intestinal parasites from proliferating and affecting your animal.
The diatomaceous earth intervenes particularly in this aspect since it acts by shearing with the contact whereas the complement of plants will act on various aspects to purify, cleanse, eliminate the parasites.
Pumpkin seed: The pumpkin seeds are above all a very powerful natural vermifuge and make it possible to act on the intestinal parasites such as the tenias and the ascaris while healing the digestive tract. They act as a natural laxative thanks to their high fiber content.
Black Seed: Used to eliminate intestinal parasites and worms, as well as treat amoebic dysentery, they are known to safely eradicate most types of worms.
Grated coconut: Coconut is known for its antiseptic, antifungal, antiviral and anti-parasitic properties. Thanks to its content in medium chain triglycerides, coconut is effective against flatworms.
Garlic powder: powerful anti-microbial and antibiotic, effective in the fight against various forms of internal or external infections, such as bacteria, viruses or fungi, including parasites (tapeworms) and protozoa.
Thyme: It is effective in dislodging intestinal parasites.
And finally in the fight against Giardia, we can associate propolis which shows an amazing and saving effectiveness.
Here is a natural way to treat the parasites present in our animals: dogs, cats, horses as well as in all animals.
60 vegetal capsules to be used 4 times a year to treat and eliminate worms and parasites while respecting the intestinal flora.
Translated with (free version)
Dewormer for cats 100% Natural - 60 capsules.
Composition : diatomaceous earth - pumpkin seeds - nigella seeds - grated cocoa - thyme - garlic.
Deworm your cat while respecting its body and intestinal flora.
Deworming cat: Kittens and adult.
Dosage according to the weight.
The natural dewormer for cats gently prevents the proliferation of parasites, treats and eliminates parasites without damaging the animal's body and respecting the intestinal flora.
It is the association of the ground of diatom as well as crushed plants which will cause the elimination of the worms: flatworms, tapeworms, pinworms...
We can associate propolis to fight against certain more resistant parasites like Giardias.
Full moon
March 28th 2021
The full moon is the ideal time to deworm your animals.
See lunar calendar and explanations in the home bar.
Depending on the weight of your animal, administer 1 to 2 capsules, ideally by opening them and sprinkling the food.
From 1 to 5 kg: 1 capsule per day for 7 days
From 5 to 10 kg: 2 capsules per day for 7 days
For kittens 1/2 capsule per day in wet food.