Natural balm allowing healing of the skin, cracks .... Allows hair regrowth. Ultra natural healing!
It can be applied to cats, dogs, horses and other animals.
Repairer and protector.
Natural healing balm 80gr
Natural vegetable petroleum jelly, honey, plantain, coconut, securidaca, propolis, Aloe vera, lanolin, allantoin, camphor.
Discover the healing, protective and anti-inflammatory properties of honey, propolis, securidaca and aloe vera mixed with the moisturizing and restorative properties of coconut oil, alantoin and camphor.
A balm whose speed and effectiveness of healing power will amaze you.Application to perfectly disinfected and cleansed skin, 2 to 3 times a day if necessary. The healing will be perfectly accelerated and will allow rapid hair regrowth. This natural balm is perfect for horses and helps stop itching as well as healing and hair regrowth.