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Spring is coming and already the first allergic reactions are appearing in our animals. Horses are affected by allergic reactions.


The symptoms that can be observed during allergies are sometimes multiple. It is therefore difficult to define and differentiate between a food allergy, contact dermatitis or other allergies.


A veterinary check-up allows a precise diagnosis to be made.

Finding the cause is often a real headache for owners.


Are they all affected?

Yes, horses, dogs and cats are all affected by allergies.

Patience is required to identify the allergenic agent and for this it is necessary to proceed by elimination.

What are the symptoms?


Scratching, biting, excessive licking...

Skin lesions




Swollen mucous membranes...

Nasal discharge

Diarrhoea, colic...

Loss of appetite


The symptoms can be multiple... and so can the causes!

What happens in the body in case of allergies?

The allergy mechanism.

The body is constantly confronted with external enemies: microbes, viruses, bacteria. To fight them, it has a powerful weapon: the immune system.

Allergy is a failure of this system: instead of defending itself against a real aggression, it does too much and starts reacting against foreign substances (allergens) that are normally harmless (pollen, dust, fleas, food, etc.). This reaction results in the production of allergy-specific antibodies - IgE (Immunoglobulin E).

In short, it is a disproportionate immune reaction, the body defending itself against an element in its environment.

Allergy occurs when the body "encounters" the allergen, either by ingestion, inhalation or skin contact. This triggers a rejection reaction by the immune system, which regards the substance eaten, drunk, touched or breathed in as a serious enemy.

What to do and how to act?

Once you have found the cause(s) by elimination, you will have to take the appropriate decisions: change food (food allergy), change bedding (contact allergy), anti-parasite treatment (skin reaction) ....

Your vet can help you with this diagnostic process and may prescribe anti-histamines that relieve symptoms by blocking the release of hysteramine in the body.



You can also reduce symptoms with herbal and apitherapy. Herbs such as Euphrasia, Thyme, Plantain, Marjoram are recommended in the treatment of allergic manifestations. Similarly, propolis

with its anti-inflammatory action will help to lower the inflammatory level of your animal's body.





Anti-Allergia Horses - 1 litre.

  • Hydroalcoholic extract of plantain - Thyme - Marjoram - Euphrasia - Propolis. Bottle of 1 litre/ Measuring bottle included.


    100% Natural

    Shake well before use.

    Administer for 20 days in feed.



    Horses 50ml/day.



    Donkeys, ponies, foals 25ml/day.

    • Un allergène alimentaire peut donner des symptômes digestifs
    • Un allergène alimentaire peut donner des symptômes cutanés
    • Un allergène respiratoire peut donner des symptômes respiratoires
    • Un allergène respiratoire peut donner des symptômes oculaires
Bio suisse
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